Friday, November 21, 2008

Better Now!

I'm sorry that it's been so long since I have blogged,
but I've been pretty sick since Halloween.
I'm feelin' good enough to dance now, so I thought I'd post some pics.
My old bedroom on the third floor is now a playroom so Kai, Val and I play up there a lot.
(I am sharing a bedroom with Kai now.)
Miss Val sure likes the attention!
Here I am playing dress up. (I miss Halloween already!)

There is a full size mirror for me to gaze into.
It's also great for working on my dance moves!
Well, here's to you folks!
I gotta play!

1 comment:

Anonymous said... looks like you have a lot of your Mom in you...when she was little she liked looking in the mirror too. I'm glad that you are feeling's no fun to be sick..Love you lots...Grandma W