Sometimes, in the mornings, we go out bug hunting.
No matter how many bugs we catch and release, I always say that I saw...
"Two Bugs!"
(There are five pill bugs in my necklace.)
Who knows, maybe someday I will be an entomologist!
Making the world fun one day at a time!
Hi sure look like an experienced bu-hunter to looks like you are keeping busy this summer...hugs and you much!! Grandma W
Hi Maxon,
Glad you're out exploring. Not that I'd want you to let them loose around me ... I'd much rather have them in a container so I could watch 'em like you are doing. They're interesting so long as they're not on me. how about you? Do you let them walk on your arms and legs while you watch? Depending on the critter they can be fun. Do you ever wonder what they're thinking when we big humans pick them up and look 'em over?
A whole new thing to ponder...
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