Monday, June 26, 2006


He is a Betta fish, and he is my very first pet.


Anonymous said...

Oh my stars, You
sure are collecting quite the su-ber nears!!!!!Living in Utah can be, oh whats that your pa says... yeh...Interesting! Well you take good care of Mr Fishy, can't wait to see you visit us in Aug. I don't think that Tig Will bother Mr. Fishy....Oh before I go Max, Grammy has a Robin on the window ledge and she has 4 little blue eggs she is siting on. I will let you know when they hatch, maybe you have a book about that. Watch for Mr. Mailman....Well Grammy is off to try to get a part time job...Grandpa is hoping!!!!! Grammy is not!!!! Any way I LOVE YOU MORE THAN YOU WILL EVER KNOW... XXXOOOXXXOOOXXXOOOXXXOOO

Anonymous said...

Hi Maxon,
What a nice colorful fish you have! They're fun to watch aren't they? Are you glad you live in a house instead of a fish bowl? Do you wonder what they think all day swimming around in there?
Guess that is enough questions for tonight. later, Pegi